Shells - 4" Assortment - 36 Per Case

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These Shells Have an E-Port and Hand Light.

This 4" Assortment Contains 2 Each of the Following Shells from Guandu Fireworks.

  1. Half Red Half Blue Chrys w Coco Pistil
  2. Purple Peony w Brocade Pistil
  3. Silver Coco w Crackle Pistil
  4. Red Wave to Green w Crackle Pistil
  5. Sunflower
  6. Green Strobe
  7. Chrys to Gold Strobe
  8. RWB Dahlia
  9. Gold Crown
  10. Silver Coco to Blue
  11. Green Chrys
  12. Blue to Half Red Half Green
  13. Brocade Crown
  14. Brocade Crown to Red Strobe
  15. Silver Crackle Coco
  16. Red Crossette
  17. Double Layers Chrys
  18. Blue Jellyfish