Seek And Find Game



Ho Ho & Roberto Seek & Find!

Starts Now Thru Sunday, 12/22/2024

Lots of prizes to win for participants!



We’ve hidden 10 images of Ho Ho & Roberto all over our website! Find them and fill out the form to enter for a chance to win amazing prizes announced on Facebook Live on Monday, 10/23/2024 at 2pm EST!


Prizes include:

1st: $150 Gift Certificate

2nd: $100 Gift Certificate

3rd: $100 Gift Certificate

Plus, 10 winners will receive AWF Swag!


Bonus Question: What product features Sabrina & Joel Robinson?


Hints: Images are not in videos or the 1.4 Pro/1.3G sections.


You must have an account at to participate.


Good Luck!


Post your answers here: